Friday, 9 October 2015

Day 6 & 7 first weekend after Lemtrada

Friday evening I watched the telley, fell asleep in front of the telley and finally made it back upstairs to my own bed for what felt like the most greatly anticipated night's sleep ever, tranquillity at last! So I was glad to get back home and to sleep in my own bed in peace, although I can't deny that for a few seconds I wished my bed still had electronic sitting/reclining functions and somehow I was a little nervous to sleep alone (I realise this was silly because the worst that could happen was to get the rash back, which I expected anyway, then I just needed to keep up the chlorphenamine levels, simple!)

above is a picture of the rash I had just before I went to bed, it was unusually just on my thighs?

When I woke up on Saturday I was surprised to find there wasn't a rash present at all, I did a quick body check and it was true, i survived the night, no rash to be seen and i felt quite good. I took the chlorphenamine to avoid the rash reappearance, later that day when the second dose of cholophenamine was due the rash had started to come back quite rapidly, showing me that I needed to keep on top of the meds, the rash wasn't over and done with yet. So I took 4mg chlorphenamine every 4-6 hors whenever i saw a few of those spots come back.

Sunday didn't feel so good, I was finally feeling the comedown from the IV steroid, IV hydrocortisone and IV piriton junkie lifestyle that had helped me feel so good in the hospital. My legs felt numb and tingling and this was  unusual for me these days, I had done nothing and my legs felt like i had be standing or walking around all day yesterday. It took me back to feeling like I did before I even started taking Tysabri (bad times) 7.5 years ago. My neurologist had warned my MS could feel like it gets worse temporarily, but this was something i hoped i would get away with (over optimism).

Anyway the feeling in my legs passed and i slept it off overnight (to my relief). Not much to tell, i just rested. Here are some rash pictures from the weekend to make this a tiny bit more interesting :-)

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